
发表于 国家阿拉伯骑士

在他的著名小说“炼金术士,”巴西作家保罗·科埃略描述一个年轻人的故事, 一个牧羊人, who travels far and wide to pursue his “personal legend,”他的命运. The young man is told by a mysterious king that the universe wishes for each person to accomplish his or her personal legend, 当他让旅程, he encounters many other characters who help him meet his destiny in ways he never expected.

始终, he seems to be in just the right circumstance to meet just the right person at just the right time. It’s a beautiful story about how people are interconnected, 倾听一个人的内在自我的方向, and ultimately following the path that has been laid out for you from the beginning. Like the young man in the story, Lucho Guimarães has sought his personal legend, 在已使他从一个机会到下一个任务周游世界. And all paths lead to the same thing: 阿拉伯马. In the little over six months it has been in business, Lucho Guimarães Arabians has experienced the profound success that only happens when one is following the journey that has been meant for them all along.

卢乔出生在圣保罗, 巴西, and raised in the south of Brazil with his two brothers. 他们不是马家的开始, but one of Lucho’s brothers was incredibly shy. 他们把他带到医生和专家, who suggested that horses may bring the young boy out of his shell. The family often went for weekend drives in the countryside, 有一天, they came across a horse boarding facility. They walked onto the property and made friends with the owner, 谁同意帮助他们找到马. He took them to a farm that had Criollo, 马原生品种为他们的耐力知. 那里, Lucho and his brothers spotted a mare and foal in the pasture, dying. “The mare was actually laying down, 皮肤与骨头, 并不能起床,” recalls Lucho. “She already had a bunch of sores on one of her sides from laying down and trying to get up. 婴儿是她的身边, 大概一个星期老即将太死, 可能没有被护理天. Me and my brothers started crying and said, “这就是我想要的。”我爸说“哦,你不能骑那. We want a horse for you guys to ride.’” [阅读全文]
