
In der veröffentlichten Nationale Reiter Arabian
Artikel geschrieben von Ellen Medley Wright

In seinem berühmten Roman „Der Alchemist,“Brasilianische Schriftsteller Paulo Coelho beschreibt die Geschichte eines jungen Mannes,, ein Schäfer, who travels far and wide to pursue his “personal legend,“Sein Schicksal. The young man is told by a mysterious king that the universe wishes for each person to accomplish his or her personal legend, und wie er macht die Reise, he encounters many other characters who help him meet his destiny in ways he never expected.

Während, he seems to be in just the right circumstance to meet just the right person at just the right time. It’s a beautiful story about how people are interconnected, etwa für die Richtung auf seine innere Selbst hören, and ultimately following the path that has been laid out for you from the beginning. Like the young man in the story, Lucho Guimarães has sought his personal legend, Reisen die Welt auf eine Suche, die ihn von einer Chance auf die nächste geführt hat. And all paths lead to the same thing: das arabische Pferd. In the little over six months it has been in business, Lucho Guimarães Arabians has experienced the profound success that only happens when one is following the journey that has been meant for them all along.

Lucho wurde in São Paulo geboren, Brasilien, and raised in the south of Brazil with his two brothers. Sie waren nicht ein Pferd Familie am Anfang, but one of Lucho’s brothers was incredibly shy. Sie brachten ihn zu Ärzten und Experten, who suggested that horses may bring the young boy out of his shell. The family often went for weekend drives in the countryside, und eines Tages, they came across a horse boarding facility. They walked onto the property and made friends with the owner, die sich bereit erklärt ihnen ein Pferd finden. He took them to a farm that had Criollo, eine einheimische Pferderasse für ihre Ausdauer bekannt. Dort, Lucho and his brothers spotted a mare and foal in the pasture, dying. “The mare was actually laying down, Haut und Knochen, und konnte nicht aufstehen,” recalls Lucho. “She already had a bunch of sores on one of her sides from laying down and trying to get up. Das Baby war um sie herum, wahrscheinlich eine Woche alt und über zu sterben, Wahrscheinlich hatte seit Tagen nicht mehr stillt worden. Me and my brothers started crying and said, ‚Das ist, was ich will.‘ Mein Vater sagte: ‚Nun, Sie können nicht fahren. We want a horse for you guys to ride.’” [Den ganzen Artikel lesen]

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